TVU Networks Cloud-Based Video Solutions Enable Live, Remote Table Tennis Tournament for Beijing Sport University Students

TVU’s Modular, Microservice-based Approach Provides Production, Collaboration, and Live Streaming Capabilities Needed During the Pandemic

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TVU Networks, the market and technology leader in cloud and IP-based live video solutions, recently provided their technology for remote sports proficiency testing and competition at China’s elite Beijing Sport University. The university’s School of Journalism and Communication students produced the collaborative live stream of university table tennis athletes completing their tests. Key products that enabled the proficiency tests were: TVU Anywhere, a mobile live-streaming app; the TVU Partyline cloud collaboration solution; and TVU Producer, a live streaming and multi-camera IP video production platform.

More than 50 students completed their tests, each creating an audio-video self-portrait with camera input from their smart phone or tablet. The TVU Anywhere live-streaming app allowed each student to transmit using HEVC encoding and cellular bonding technology to aggregate all available cellular connections from their location. They entered TVU Partyline in groups of five to select contestants, referees, and timekeepers – each monitoring the action and collaborating live from their own window on the computer screen. The school’s communication and journalism students managed the production using TVU Producer to switch signals for picture-in-picture presentation, add graphic overlays and text, and transmit content in HD quality through Bilibili – the Shanghai-based over-the-top streaming platform.

Liming Fu, TVU Networks VP of Sales for the APAC Region said, “TVU Networks is pleased to provide the university with our cloud-based solutions for streaming, collaborating, and producing this first-of-its-kind live virtual event. The students from the Beijing Sports University School of Journalism and Communication gained valuable experience in cloud production and broadcasting with this rare opportunity to practice in a real-world application. We will continue to support the university as they expand their capabilities and TVU technology to new types of applications.”

Maintaining the highest possible live, HD transmission was critical to the university. Frame-accurate synchronization of the live broadcast images with the referee’s whistle was necessary to ensure the competition’s fairness. The TVU cloud service plan was ideal for the Beijing Sports Table Tennis Level Test, making planning and delivering the competition easy and infrastructure-free.

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