How India's Leading News Channel Overcomes Challenges to Deliver Real-Time Reports from Lebanon-Israel Border...
How India's Leading News Channel Overcomes Challenges to Deliver Real-Time Reports from Lebanon-Israel Border...
Innovative Technology Overcomes Extreme Conditions to Deliver Personalized Broadcasts for Five Top Business Schools...
Betevé teams up with TVU to deliver thrilling real-time coverage of the America’s Cup 2024 in Barcelona....
TVU Router’s multi-network aggregation routing solution helps Fuji Television Network, Inc. (Hereinafter “Fuji Television”) to enhance dynamic wireless field camera production capabilities for live broadcasts of golf and football events....
TVU One enabled the live broadcast of Pope Francis meeting President Joko Widodo in Indonesia, ensuring high-quality, low-latency transmission, showcasing advanced technology's role in promoting global peace and understanding....
The network embraces technological innovation to provide comprehensive live coverage to its audience....
Lightweight and portable design of TVU One field pack allows for more agile broadcasting, reducing the need for extensive on-site setups and large crews....
The live coverage will be transmitted to BandSports and SporTV via TVU MediaHub, TVU Networks' cloud-based routing platform, ensuring efficient and real-time distribution....
This collaboration highlighted the potential of green production and innovative cloud workflows, enabling live transmission of the world's largest running event from over 265,000 participants across 169 countries while enhancing viewer engagement with real-time content creation....
Indian media used hundreds of TVU One backpacks to cover the 2024 Indian General Elections....
The BBC, in partnership with TVU Networks, elevated their 2024 UK General Election coverage with an innovative, highly engaging, and environmentally conscious remote production. Utilising TVU's cutting-edge cloud platform, the BBC remotely managed 369 live feeds from vote counting locations across the UK...
Sichuan TV meticulously deployed multiple TVU One backpacks across the various venues of the Thomas & Uber Cup. These backpacks transmitted high-quality live video and audio feeds from the field back to the TVU servers at Sichuan TV's studio center....