Sushant Rai Joins TVU Networks as New Vice President of Sales for South Asia, Middle East and Africa

Broadcast Industry Veteran’s Responsibilities to Encompass South Asia Including India and the Middle East and Africa Regions

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MOUNTAIN VIEW, CALIFORNIA — May 11, 2020 — Sushant Rai is the new Vice President, Sales – South Asia, Middle East and Africa for TVU Networks, a technology and market leader in cloud and IP-based live video solutions. Sushant will lead strategic sales efforts across all three major regions with sales and solutions teams consolidating under his leadership.

Prior to joining TVU, Sushant held multiple senior executive roles in well-respected technology and solutions providers in the broadcast industry. Most recently at Harmonic, he was Managing Director, Sales for South Asia for three years. Prior to that, Sushant was Head, Broadcast and Operator Sales for Dolby Labs in India. Before joining Dolby, he was Director, Media Asset Management, South Asia for Vizrt.

“Sushant brings proven sales leadership success and technology acumen to strategically critical regions of the world for us, and we are delighted to welcome him to the TVU family,” said Paul Shen, CEO, TVU Networks. “During a time of transition globally in the broadcast industry, his deep knowledge of broadcast systems and accomplishments in delivering workflow design and implementation will serve our current and future customers well. As a passionate evangelist for media technology, we are looking forward to having his insights help guide growth across Asia, Middle East and Africa and on global initiatives as a part of the executive team.”

“During this unprecedented time, our customers are faced with business continuity challenges that require them to rethink the way broadcast workflows can be operated and managed. In order to deliver the same media content their viewers have come to expect, broadcasters must  look to more cloud and IP based technologies and solutions to overcome the current restrictions which have impacted traditional in-studio workflows,” says Sushant. “TVU is well positioned to help all broadcasters to transition to cloud and IP solutions that will help minimize disruption and to take advantage of efficiency in workflows. I am excited to be able to lead our teams and demonstrate our capabilities to our customers.”

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