Liming Fu Joins TVU Networks as Vice President of Sales for Asia-Pacific

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MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA – December 3, 2020 – TVU Networks, the market and technology leader in cloud and IP-based live video solutions, today announced that Liming Fu has joined the company as vice president of sales for the APAC region, which includes Greater China, Japan, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand and other countries. He will lead sales and marketing efforts in APAC and report to TVU CEO, Paul Shen.

“I’m privileged to welcome Liming to TVU and look forward to his leadership of our strategic efforts in this critical part of the world. His experience in leading teams, extensive industry knowledge and dedication to his customers will be invaluable to our continued success in the APAC region,” explained Shen. “With broadcasters pivoting increasingly to remote production and cloud-based solutions in particular, we’re well positioned to help our customers transition smoothly from a traditional in-studio infrastructure to remote studio production with our suite of products.”

Liming brings more than 30 years of experience in the television broadcast and media industry around the APAC region. Prior to joining TVU, Liming was VP of Media Infrastructure at EVS. Before EVS, he was with Axon Digital Design B.V. for 16 years where he held several executive positions in sales, service and marketing, including VP APAC Region Operation and Managing Director of APAC. During his time at Axon, he led teams and managed business channels to successfully build the company brand, broaden customer relationships and grow overall market share. Liming has also previously held marketing and engineering positions at Grass Valley, Thomson Broadcast and Philips Broadcast. Liming resides in Beijing.

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