TVU Networks Delivers Multi-day Live Broadcast of Special Interest Programming from Five Global Locations

TVU solved lots of problems occurring during the multi-region cooperation, long distance movement and long time live.

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Between March 24th and 26th, Chinese media giant Time-Island successfully live streamed a three day program called “Train Bound for Spring » across five global locations on social media.  The five locations were three regions in China – Sichuan, Yunnan and Tibet,  the countries of Switzerland and Norway. The live program showed viewers how the start of spring 2021 was being celebrated in different parts of the world.

The ambitious program to showcase the local scenery and daily lives of citizens had a number of challenges which needed to be addressed. With the live broadcasts scheduled to take place up to twelve hours a day, the producers needed to ensure a reliable broadcast for their viewers. 

In addition, the transmission equipment needed to be portable and adaptable to unpredictable cellular transmission environments since the on-location camera crews intended to broadcast from moving high-speed trains, tunnels and remote locations including mountains and forests.

With multiple camera crews in different parts of the world, the teams needed also to be able to rely on bi-directional, ultra-low latency VoIP communication with each other during the live broadcasts.


Time-Island chose TVU to help it meet all of the challenges. The company was already familiar with TVU’s robust technology having used their cellular transmission equipment to successfully broadcast a fifteen hour live event in January for its “Seeing 2021” New Years show.

The camera crews relied on 4G and 5G from the TVU One mobile cellular backpack transmitters, and the TVU Anywhere app on their mobile phones for live video capture. The company was able to successfully stage it’s multi-location spring program using TVU.

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