베테랑상은 제작자가 클라우드 기반의 TVU Partyline을 사용하여 170 명 이상의 원격 참가자들이 참여하여 생방송을 진행했다. ...
베테랑상은 제작자가 클라우드 기반의 TVU Partyline을 사용하여 170 명 이상의 원격 참가자들이 참여하여 생방송을 진행했다. ...
Kalis Games use TVU Partyline™ and three TVU Transceivers to capture and broadcast their third annual competition. ...
World Rugby and HBS implemented a set-up using TVU that allowed for an interactive and dynamic broadcast product for fans around...
RTVE & Radio 3 use TVU's 5G and cloud production tools to live stream concerts more efficiently than ever before, in all formats: SDI, vertical output...
WGAL, a Hearst Television Station, uses TVU Grid for its live weather segment from Meteorologist's home in Lancaster, PA...
아사히 TV는 US오픈 골프대회 원격 제작 스포츠 취재를 위해 TVU RPS와 TVU One을 배치했다....
TVU Networks delivers their remote video solution for the first-ever remotely produced 2020 UEFA Champions League and Europa League Final 8 Draw...
인기 리얼리티 요리 프로그램인 백파더(Paik Father)는 TVU 라이브 원격 제작 솔루션을 사용하여 원격으로 시청자들을 초대하고 상호 소통한다....
De Nadai uses multiple TVU solutions to broadcast a live esports competition during the COVID-19 pandemic...
TVU Remote Production System deployed for multi-site, multi-camera coverage of the Grec 2020 Festival of Barcelona, all over Public Internet...
Sky Racing uses TVU Networks' TVU Anywhere mobile app during Covid-19 pandemic for horse racing remote coverage related to betting and wagering...
Astro Malaysia produces reality TV singing competition using TVU Networks’ remote production solutions....