Letsee remotely produced ironman finals using TVU live video solution

Hawaii’s toughest Triathlon Produced Remotely from Paris over the public internet

"Thanks to TVU, all we had to do was secure a good Internet connection in Hawaii. TVU solutions did the rest of the work, receiving and synchronising signals to send impeccable transmissions to our studio miles and miles away," said David Segret, Media Center Chief Operator at Letsee, AMP Visual TV.

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AMP Visual TV remotely produce Ironman finals over public internet with TVU solutions

TVU Networks, the market and technology leader in IP-based live video production solutions, recently collaborated with production company Letsee to cover one of the most famous Triathlon World Championship Finals in Hawaii on October 12, 2019. Using TVU’s solutions for remote production and a public Internet connection, Letsee successfully delivered the first-ever remotely-produced broadcast of the event.

This Triathlon, put on since the 1970s, is a largely followed event considered to be one of the most difficult one-day sporting events in the world. It consists of a swim, bike race and marathon and thousands of participants. For the 2018 World Championship Finals, production was done onsite in Hawaii, requiring large production crews and many pieces of equipment to be present at the location. This year, Letsee, a brand of AMP Visual TV that specialises in video transmission and production over IP, covered the Finals with unprecedented cost-efficiency using a combination of TVU solutions that reliably and powerfully captured the event’s intensity.

Letsee chose eight TVU One mobile transmitters along with TVU Remote Production System (RPS) for its coverage. The TVU One transmitters were set up on helicopters, boats and motorbikes to capture footage from each stage of the race. TVU One ensured constant, interruption-free video from onboard these various methods of transportation, so all parts of the triathlon were broadcast live with the same high picture quality and low video latency.

AMP Visual TV remotely produce Ironman finals over public internet with TVU solutions

TVU RPS transmitted all live signals perfectly synchronised to the Letsee studio in Paris for remote production, while providing a video return to the monitoring team in Hawaii. All of it over standard public internet.

Additionally, Letsee production studio in France was able to communicate the broadcast direction in real time to Hawaii camera crew, using the bi-drectionnal IFB capabilities embedded in each TVU One devices.

The final result was pushed to Facebook Live gathering thousands of live viewers. The production was also transmitted live by specialised TV sports channel, and highlights were used widely by other channels across the world.

“Thanks to TVU, all we had to do was secure a good Internet connection in Hawaii. TVU solutions did the rest of the work, receiving and synchronising signals to send impeccable transmissions to our studio miles and miles away,” said David Segret, Media Center Chief Operator at AMP Visual TV.

“AMP Visual has used TVU RPS before to cover a number of these Triathlons including the World Championship 70.3 Finals in Nice, so our studio was already set up and ready to go when we received feeds from the Finals in Hawaii, which saved us even more time.”

TVU’s long-term partner in France, Magic-Hour, as well as TVU Networks global 24/7 support team have been key in Letsee success to transmit and remotely produce the live event for eight consecutive hours without any interruptions.

“We’re glad that TVU has been AMP’s choice for covering these events, and excited that the reliability of our solutions increases our customers’ confidence in their ability to produce events of this scale and energy remotely” said David Jorba, EVP and Europe Managing Director, at TVU Networks.

The final result was pushed to IRONMAN’s Facebook Live gathering thousands of live viewers. The production was also transmitted live by a specific TV sports channel, and highlights were used widely by other channels across the world. “Thanks to TVU, all we had to do was secure a good Internet connection in Hawaii. TVU solutions did the rest of the work, receiving and synchronizing signals to send impeccable transmissions to our studio miles and miles away,” said David Segret, Media Center Chief Operator at AMP Visual TV. “AMP Visual has used TVU RPS before to cover a number of IRONMAN events, including the World Championship 70.3 Finals in Nice, so our studio was already set up and ready to go when we received feeds from the Finals in Hawaii, which saved us even more time.”

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