중국, 일본, 한국의 동아시아 주요 미디어들이 제9회 아시안 동계 게임 하얼빈 대회에서 TVU One 모바일 전송 시스템을 성공적으로 도입하여 극한의 겨울 조건에서도 탁월한 방송 안정성을 입증했습니다....
“If you are looking to deliver the highest 4k quality, you can do that through TVU. You can do everything within the TVU ecosystem, and we at AbelCine just love all their solutions.”
Mike Nichols
Business Development Manager - AbelCine
AbelCine is a leading provider of products and services to the production, broadcast and new media industries. They help make technology easier for productions and content creators to understand, access and employ.
AbelCine has extensive familiarity with TVU solutions and have come to rely on its equipment such as the TVU One cellular mobile transmitter and synchronized multi-camera supported TVU RPS for remote events.
Recently, AbelCine was tasked with helping to produce a completely virtual major awards show in which all 120 nominees had to participate remotely. The challenge was to provide adequate bandwidth to nominees at locations with poor internet connectivity.
AbleCine used the TVU Router function in the TVU One mobile cellular transmission pack to deliver the extra bandwidth. The production team identified two required locations but ordered an additional five units for backup. With TVU One’s portability and fast start up, AbleCine could deploy the extra units quickly wherever they were needed.
On the day prior to the event, the company identified additional locations with Internet connectivity issues and ended up using nearly all of the TVU Ones with TVU Router at six locations across four states: New York. North Carolina, New Mexico and Georgia.
During the show, all remote nominees connected to TVU Router had uninterrupted high bandwidth connectivity during the entire event which lasted more than six hours.
“For us support is the key and TVU has always been there. Even when we need something quickly or we need any kind of technical support, TVU always delivers” said Mike Nichols
For any information on this case or for any inquiries on the above products
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