CC:Media successfully live covered the remote graduation ceremonies for nine high schools over five days which translated to 79 hours of on-air time across three cable channels. The enormous undertaking required 250 staff-hours throughout the entire week without assistance from volunteers due to COVID restrictions.
“After the success of the high school graduation event, we moved local sports coverage of baseball, football and soccer to the live video model using our TVU One transmitters and TVU Transceivers. The equipment has provided us with a lot more flexibility and the ability to grow our live video coverage efforts,” said Bachman.
CC:Media also appreciated being able to purchase a data plan for their cellular transmitters directly from TVU. This helped to eliminate the need for them to manage the monthly billings from different cell plan network providers, saving time and resources.
“Our community has expressed interest in our providing local breaking news. With TVU One’s mobility, we potentially have the ability to build a news program for live streaming to Facebook,” suggested Bachman.