To ensure stable, real-time transmission of its 19 hours of coverage before launch of the Mengtian space capsule, China’s digital newspaper, The Paper, relied on technology from TVU Networks. The Paper’s live launch countdown from Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site included interviews with industry experts and passersby at Wenchang Qishui Bay Beach, as well as live camera broadcasting (LCB) of the launch itself. Using a TVU One 5G mobile transmitter, all 19 hours of video and still images from the site were sent to a TVU Transceiver at The Paper’s Shanghai Production Center for transcoding.
TVU Networks’ support of 5G and the strength of the company’s IS+ multi-network aggregation transmission technology received accolades from crew at The Paper. “With its support of 5G and multi-network aggregation, we were completely confident of a stable signal at lift off,” said Deng Chaojian, on-site reporter for The Paper. “The TVU technology not only works wonders with live broadcast video but also reproduces high-quality stills. During the entire pre- and at-launch process, TVU One was very stable and reliable, helping us successfully complete the live broadcast mission.”