Add videos from your computer or Cloud drive as a local source in TVU Producer.
How to add local video sources to TVU Producer:
Click the Local video tab in the left navigation menu or click the Plus (+) icon in the Add local video source window. The Local video file list panel opens.
To add a local video file, click the button and select From Computer or From Cloud Drive from the drop-down menu.
To upload a local video from your computer, select From Computer. Next, browse and select a file and click Open. Your upload progress displays in the Local file list.
To upload a file from a cloud drive, click From Cloud Drive. Next, select the file from your cloud storage folder and click the button. Your video upload progress displays in the Local video file list.
Click on a source from the ‘Local video file list’ to play the local video in the source window.
Choose how you want your local video to play using the control bar in the panel. Then, click the source window to move the local video into the preview window.
When working in a team production environment, a team member can manage local videos independently in the Local clips browser window. Click the Advanced local video button or the Copy button to paste the URL in a new browser window.
In the TVU Local clips browser window, arrange the play order for their selected videos by dragging the previews into the preferred playout order.
To edit the file name or add a mark in and mark out point to your local video source, hover over the top of the preview and click the Edit icon.
Select a source and click the Settings icon to access additional local video playback controls. In the Play Settings pop-up, use the slider to enable Autoplay, Cut PVW PGM or play from the mark-in point.
To preview your edits, click the Play icon then, click Save to save your edits.
Click a source thumbnail to select it and activate it as the local source in Producer.
Click the button to add more local video sources to the ‘Local video file list .’ A local file window opens. Select a local video and click Open.
To remove a local video from the playlist, hover over the top of the preview and click the Delete icon.
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About TVU Producer
TVU Producer is a cloud-based live streaming solution for live video production and live broadcasts. Create multi-camera live streaming programs in minutes, include live audience interactions, and easily manage live video productions with low latency. Add graphics, mix audio, and safely live stream on any platform with one click.
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